神召神學院乃神召會香港聯會有限公司 (Assemblies of God Hong Kong Association Limited) 屬下機構,由神召會香港聯會有限公司董事會委任出院董會管治學院院務。 Ecclesia Theological Seminary is sponsored by Assemblies of God Hong Kong Association Limited from which the Board of Governors is delegated to run Ecclesia Theological Seminary
院董會 Board of Governors
院董會主席Chairman of the Board of Governors: 梁偉文博士 Rev. Dr. Leung Wai Man (神召會禮拜堂堂主任)
院董Governors: 楊天恩博士 Rev. Dr. Yeung Tin Yan Timothy (泉石復興事工會長)
鍾樹森博士 Rev. Dr. Chung Shu Sum Sam (神召會西環堂堂主任)
劉志雄牧師 Rev. Lau Chi Hung Terence (華惠神召會堂主任)
許國輝牧師 Rev. Hui Kwok Fai Paul (神召會聖光堂堂主任)
甄浩業牧師 Rev. Yan Ho Yip Alan (五旬節聖潔會盧亨利紀念堂堂主任)
院董會顧問 Consultant of Governors: 鍾復安博士 Rev. Dr. Chung Fuk On Fraun (基督教國際神召會中文部堂主任)
院長 President: 余淡雲博士 Rev. Dr. Yee Tham Wan
署理院長Acting President: 梁偉文博士 Rev. Dr. Leung Wai Man