1. 提供五旬宗訓練 Provide Pentecostal Training:
發展學院成為五旬宗靈恩研究中心及專上學府。 Develop ETS into a research center and higher education institute for Pentecostal and Charismatic Study. |
2. 裝備有效事奉 Equip for Effective Ministries:
發展學院成為培訓有效宣教、牧養、教導和領導的訓練基地。 Develop ETS into a training base of spiritual leaders for effective ministries in missions, pastoral care, teaching and leadership. |
3. 培育僕人領袖 Nurture Spiritual Formation of Servant Leaders:
發展學院成為塑造僕人領袖的溫室 Develop ETS into a greenhouse for spiritual formation of God’s servants and leaders. |