學歷/專業資格 Education/Professional Qualification: - D.D (Honorary) (Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Baguio, PHI), 2024 - Th. M (Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Baguio, PHI), 2004 - MA (Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Baguio, PHI), 1997 - B. Th (Bible College of Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia), 1989 - President of Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, 2009-2024 - Professor of Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, 2004-2024 - Senior Pastor of Canaan Church, 1986-2002 - Superintendent of Malaysia Assemblies of God Central District, 1998-2000
任教科目 Teaching Courses: 新約希腊語 New Testament Greek 新約概論 New Testament Introduction 馬太福音解經 Exegesis of Matthew 五旬宗面面觀 Pentacostal Perspectives 亞洲神學 Asian Theology
梁偉文牧師博士 Rev. Dr. Leung Wai Man
署理院長 Acting President
學歷/專業資格 Education/Professional Qualification: - D. Min. (Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Baguio, PHI), 2005 - M.Div. (Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Baguio, PHI), 2000 - M.BS. (Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Baguio, PHI), 1998 _ D.D.M. (University of the East, Manila, PHI), 1982 - 神召會禮拜堂主任牧師及牧師 Senior Pastor & Pastor (First Assembly of God Church), 2014-present - 聯合伯特利堂主任牧師 Senior Pastor (United Bethel Church, Manila), 1992-2013
任教科目 Teaching Courses: 宣教與傳福音 Missions and Evangelism 牧養與關懷 Pastoral Care 門徒與领䄂訓練 Discipleship and Leadership 婚姻與家庭 Marriage and Family
李天鈞博士 Dr. Tin Kwan Lei
教務長 Academic Dean
學歷/專業資格 Education/Professional Qualification: - Ph.D. (Chinese University of Hong Kong), 2012 - M. Phil. (Chinese University of Hong Kong), 2004 - M.Div. (Chinese University of Hong Kong), 2002 - B.A. (Hong Kong Baptist University), 1998
任教科目 Teaching Courses: 系統神學 Systematic Theology 哲學概論 Introduction to Theology 基督教倫理學 Christian Ethics 現代神學 Modern Theologies
陳國恩牧師博士 Rev. Dr. Benny K.Y. Chan
實習主任 Practicum Director
學歷/專業資格 Education/Professional Qualification: - D.Min. (Eccelsia Theological Seminary, HK), 2020 - D.Min. (Alliance Bible Seminary, HK), 2009 - M.Div. (China Graduate School of Theology, HK), 2006 - Dip. Th. (Alliance Bible Seminar, HK), 2003 - 前香港及英聯邦執業會計師 Former Certified Public Accountant of Hong Kong and Commonwealth (1991 – 2007)
任教科目 Teaching Courses: 講道學 Homiletic 法律常識與教會實務 Legal Knowledge and Church Practices 教會青少年事工 Youth Ministry in the Church 五旬宗實用神學 Pentecostal Practical Theology 教牧學 Pastoral Ministry 教會行政管理 Church Administration and Management 五小卷 Five Megilloth
李少琴老師 Ms. Agnes S. K. Lee
學生事務主任 Dean of Student
學歷/專業資格Education/Professional Qualifications: - M.Th. (China Graduate School of Theology, HK), 2024 - M.Div. (Ecclesia Theological Seminary, HK), 2016 - M.C.M. (Ecclesia Theological Seminary, HK), 2015 - M. A. (Education) (Chinese University of Hong Kong), 2012 - PGDE (Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK) 2008 - B.Sc. (City University of Hong Kong), 1997 - 義務傳道 (竹園區神召會大埔堂),2021- 22. Minister (honorary) (Pentecostal Church HK Tai Po Church) - 實習傳道 (竹園區神召會大埔堂), 2016-2021 Pastor Intern (Pentecostal Church HK Tai Po Church
任教科目 Teaching Courses: 神學概論 Introduction to Theology 舊約概論 Introduction to Old Testament 希伯來聖經著作概論 Intro to the Writings of Hebrew Bible 聖經詮釋學 Biblical Hermeneutics 五小卷 Five Megilloth
Faculty Development Program
李逸文博士 Dr. Antonio Frederico Do Rego
行政主任 Business Administrator
學歷/專羹資格 Education/Professional Qualification: - D. Min (Studies, Ecclesia Theological Seminary, HK), 2020 - Present - M. Div (Lutheran Theological Seminary, HK), 2017 - PhD (Bulacan State University, PHI), 2010 - MSc (Sheffield Hallam University, Eng), 2001 - BBA (Schiller International University, Eng), 1993 - Dip (Les Roches International School of Hotel Management, Swiss), 1988 - Permitted Teacher (P242119) Education and Manpower Bureau (EMB) since 2005 - Registered Teacher (PS700061) Hong Kong Education Department for Post Secondary College since 2003
任教科且 Teaching Courses: 神學概論 Introduction to Theology 人際與溝通 Interpersonal Relationship and Communication 五小卷 Five Megilloth
朱鏡明牧師 Th.M. (CGST); M.Div. (CGST); B.Sc. (HKU) 神學科 Theology 鄧達榮牧師 Th.M. (South East Asia Graduate School of Theology); M.Div. (Chinese Graduate School of Theology) 五旬宗科 Pentecostal 葉先秦博士 Ph.D. (National Chengchi University, Taiwan); M.A. (Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan)
實用神學科 Practical Theology and Ministry 梁林天慧博士 D.Ed. (University of Technology, Sydney); PG Dip in Management (Chinese University, H.K.); M.S.W. (University of Toronto); B.Sc. (Psychology) (University of Toronto)
林偉倫博士 Psy.D. (International University for Graduate Studies, USA); M.A. in Counselling (Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, USA); B.A. (Ecclesia Bible College)
通識科General Education 堵建偉博士 D.Min. in Spiritual Direction (Graduate Theological Foundation); M.C.S. (Lingnan University); B.D. (South East Asia Graduate School of Theology); B.Sc. (Econ.) (London University)
客席講師 Adjunct Faculty
● Rev. Dr. Robert P. Menzies Ph.D. (Aberdeen University) ● Rev. Randall Naylor M.Div. (Ontario Theological Seminary, Toronto) ● 司徒永富博士 Ph.D. (University of Southern Mississippi); M.B.A., M.Ed. (University of Louisiana) ● 許開明博士 Ph.D. (University of Birmingham); D.Min. (International Theological Seminary) ● 翟浩泉博士 D.Min. (Ecclesia Bible College) ● 楊天恩博士 Ph.D. (Chinese University of Hong Kong); M.Div. (Chinese University of Hong Kong); B.A. (Chinese University of Hong Kong) ● 鍾樹森博士 D.R.E.(ABGTS); M.R.E.(HKBTS); Cert.Ed.(CUHK); B.A.(CUHK) ● 鍾復安博士 D.Min. (Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, USA); M.Div. (Ecclesia Bible College); M.P.C.S. (Ecclesia Bible College); BSW(Hon) (City University of Hong Kong) ● 區可茵博士 Ph.D. (University of Birmingham,UK); M.A. (University of Birmingham,UK); B.A.(Chinese University of Hong Kong) ● 梁裕宏博士 D.Min. (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, USA); M.Div. (China Graduate School of Theology, HK); Bachelor of Applied Science (Simon Fraser University, Canada) ● 李國精博士 D.Min. (Asian Missiological Graduate School, Taiwan) ● 陳芳榮博士 Ed.D. (Leicester University); M.Ed. (University of Western Australia); M.T.S. (Ontario Theological Seminary); B.Ed., B.Sc. (University of Toronto) ● 劉少銘博士 D.Min. (Christian Witness Theological Seminary, San Jose, CA); S.T.M (Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO); M.A. (Assembly of God Theological Seminary, Springfield, MO); M.Div. (Lutheran Theological Seminary, H.K.); B.A. (Ecclesia Bible College) ● 曾勝基牧師 S.T.M. (Yale University); Th.M. (China Graduate School of Theology); M.Div. (Concordia Seminary, H.K.); B.A. (Hong Kong Buddhist College) ● 劉天友牧師 D.Min. (Wagner Leadership Institute, USA); M.A. (Missiology) (Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, USA); B.Th. (Continental Theological Seminary, Belgium) ● 劉偉業牧師 M.Div. (China Graduate School of Theology, HK); M.A. (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, IL) ● 黎振滿牧師 D.Min. (Hons.) (Hong Kong Institute of Christian Counselors) ● 羅錫為牧師 S.T.M. (Lutheran Theological Seminary, Canada) ● 湯新龍先生 Ph.D. (Candidate, Drew University); Th.M. (Princeton Theological Seminary, New Jersey, USA); M.A.(T.S.) (Princeton Theological Seminary, New Jersey, USA); M.Div. (Chinese University of Hong Kong); B.Sc. (Hons.) (Chinese University of Hong Kong) ● 楊依蓮女士 D.Miss. (Candidate, Malaysia Baptized Theological Seminary); M.Div. (Ecclesia Theological Seminary); B.B.A. (Hong Kong Open University) ● 柯美鳳女士 M.A. (Chinese University of Hong Kong); Postgraduate Diploma of Education (Chinese University of Hong Kong); B.A. (Hong Kong Baptist University) ● 賀 穎女士 M.Ed. (University of Hong Kong); M.A.B.S. (Yan Fook Bible Institute) ● 梁衍奇牧師 M.Div. (Ecclesia Bible College); Bachelor of Education with Honours (The Open University of Hong Kong) ● 李林綺芬女士 學院詩班指揮
Dr. Benny Lam 林偉倫博士 Psy.D. (International University for Graduate Studies, USA); M.A. in Counselling (Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, USA); B.A. (Ecclesia Bible College)